RWBYNoise Shoutouts

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Mod Creator:
1. ChieriOnTop | Coded/Tested by ChieriOnTop/SpookyP9.
Ruby Rose Voice Actors:

1. LucyLoveLace | Official Ruby VA
2. Arlen-RWBY | Declined
3. OfficialEntity | Declined herself

Blake Belladonna Voice Actor(s):

1. Lilium Blake | Official Blake VA

Weiss Schnee Voice Actor(s):

1. Tsuki | Official Weiss VA

Lie Ren Voice Actor(s):

1. Kashuu | Official Ren VA | Kicked from the team due to me not needing a Ren anymore, however will be staying here regardless.

Roman Torchwick Voice Actor(s):

1. Bobbyrot | Official Roman VA

Pyrrha Voice Actor(s)

1. LucyLoveLace | Official Ruby/Pyrrha VA | Kicked from the team due to me not needing a Pyrrha, however credited still for Ruby.

RWBYEnding Shoutouts

Working on this mod was a literal pain.
Hours of work,
and screaming,
and I've gotten it to work for all of you!

Mod Creator:
1. ChieriOnTop | Coded/Tested by ChieriOnTop.
Was this close to throwing my keyboard at my monitor and calling it a day.

Life Saver:
1. SpookyP9 | Had an older version of RWBYNoise required for RWBYEnding. RWBYNoise V1.0.3 had a bug nobody knew about until RWBYEnding was created.
W's in the chat for Spooky!

Emotional Support
1. SoftServeNeo | Delt with me screaming at C# and Unity and was there for me.
She's a real one.

Song used in the RWBYNoise Intro:
1. White Whale Music / Great Asset - White Whale (Original Lethal Company Song)


1. SpookyP9 | Constantly being bothered to test unreleased mod versions.
SpookyP9 being constantly bothered
2. SoftServeNeo | Being a cute trans girl who's just happy to be here.
SoftServeNeo being herself
3. F8 | Being a supportive friend and joking around with me.
F8, the 'stupid' Mexican
4. MrMiinxx | Making a YouTube video so I could get a good starting point.

5. TargetTrick9762 | I believe this is also Miinxx, however I'm listing this "user?" incase it is not them.

Website Helpers:

1. SpookyP9 | Tested for Safari.
2. SoftServeNeo | Tested for Google Chrome. (Mobile)
3. F8 | Tested on Brave. (Google Based browser.)
4. ChieriOnTop | Tested on Firefox.

Funny Screenshots/Moments:

All Spooky wanted was her fucking katana. | Damn transfems.

A few things were removed here due to a few reasons! They most likely will not be coming back.

And to anyone else I missed...

Thank you all for being supportive of my mod.

I want to thank all of you, even the people who've downloaded the mod,

And put you on the credits list.

400+ downloads in less than 2 weeks is crazy!

Again, thank you.

© 2024 ChieriOnTop's Credits/Shoutouts